The Court Bailiff will offer for sale by public tender at 1109 Chief Louis Way, Kamloops BC on January 30, 2023, the interest of the judgment debtor ALLAN STRAUSS dba CK DESIGN, in the following goods and chattels purported to be:

2018 Cargomate box trailer 16’ 5NHUBL620JB466584

2010 Cargomate box trailer 14’ 5NHUNL420AT426616

SPORTS MEMORABILIA COLLECTION – Call for a list of items and details

Sold on an as is, where is basis. The highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.

Sale may be subject to cancellation without notice. The Court Bailiff reserves the right to adjourn the sale without notice and may apply to the court for further direction if the need arises.

Terms of the sale: 10% upon acceptance of the bid balance plus applicable taxes upon signing of the registration or pick up of the item.

Time of payment is of the essence. If the balance of the bid is not received at a time agreed on, the deposit will be forfeited.

To view the items or to obtain further information regarding this sale, contact:
Tannis Erickson Court Bailiff 250-961-2714